2024 年 04 月 09 日



松緣會館-「臻心呵護 母親節水潤專案」,2024年5月3至5日及5月10至12日,現場結合LIVE表演、燈光秀、家庭溫馨照片放映、康乃馨香皂花與全家福合照等特別節目, 每桌售價$22,000+10%(每桌十位),預訂專案可享成美文化園免費入園。其他日期訂餐售價$18,800+10%(每桌十位,不含特別節目)。



新聞連絡人:成美文化園 行銷企劃部 彭翔毅副理

    回覆 # 1F
    2024-04-18 05:13:48 發表

    My admiration for your creations is as substantial as your own sentiment. The visual presentation is tasteful, and the written content is sophisticated. Yet, you seem uneasy about the possibility of presenting something that may cause unease. I’m confident you’ll be able to resolve this issue efficiently.

    回覆 # 1F
    2024-04-18 04:53:50 發表

    I was just as fascinated by your creations as you were. The sketch you’ve presented is elegant, and the material you’ve written is sophisticated. Yet, you seem concerned about the prospect of embarking on something that could be perceived as dubious. I’m confident you’ll be able to resolve this issue quickly.

    回覆 # 1F
    2024-04-18 04:23:22 發表

    Your work has captivated me just as much as it has captivated you. The visual display is elegant, and the written content is impressive. Nevertheless, you seem concerned about the possibility of delivering something that may be viewed as dubious. I agree that you’ll be able to address this issue promptly.

    回覆 # 1F
    2024-04-16 07:57:07 發表

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